Create a checkout flow, in 1 day, for a senior citizen to purchase an e-bike pass on a mobile device. Detail the key highlights and limit to 3-6 screens.
Given the time constraint and in order to empathize with senior citizens looking to buy an e-bike pass, I did secondary research for 1.5 hours. The objective was to discover if senior citizens like e-bikes and why. Some interesting statistics I found were:
E-Bikers >= 55 Years Old
Having gathered both quantitative and qualitative secondary research I was able to create a user persona to help me focus on who I was designing for. I would like to introduce you to Mark Woods.
With a deeper understanding of Mark Woods and other senior citizens I then brainstormed the benefits of purchasing an e-bike pass.
Next I worked on the user workflow for Mark Wood to layout the road map for the entire e-bike check out flow experience. The entire journey was considered because:
Through creating this user flow I recognized that there were 2 ways that Mark Wood's checkout process could be completed:
A) Payment for pass before riding e-bike
1. Select type of passes & number of passes
2. Payment
3. Ride e-bike
4. Confirmation
B) Payment for pass after riding e-bike
1. Set up payment
2. Ride e-bike
3. Payment
4. Confirmation
To make it more simple for Mark Wood I chose to go with payment before so he would know exactly how much to pay prior to riding and set the cost expectations upfront.
I then sketched wireframes about what the experience visually could be like for Mark Woods. Below is an example of a couple of the wireframes.
Each pass is uniquely designed to communicate its benefits and enable scanability based on color & imagery.
Last, I designed the final mockups and created an interactive prototype based on the flow I had created for the wireframe prototype. Go ahead and discover the benefits of the Fast Pass!
To help Mark Wood pick the right pass the following features are included:
After Mark Wood selects a pass more details are offered:
Benefits are included visually to reassure him of everything he will be getting out of the e-bike pass. These benefits were chosen based on secondary research and were the reasons senior citizens love e-bikes so much.
From my earlier brainstorm of why an e-bike pass would be beneficial, I also included 'No Maintenance' and 'Leave Anywhere'.
To make the checkout experience for Mark Wood as easy as possible the following features were included:
I had a lot of fun completing this design challenge because I had no prior knowledge about e-bikes and all of the benefits that come with them. Also, I was unaware of how much they help older generations move around and enjoy the outdoors. This project directly aligns with my values for social good because not only do e-bikes help the environment but they also give people the freedom to get outside and enjoy life more.